Famous domain name sales

From Michael Tchong’s “GreatDomains.com” in ICONOCAST (24 February 2000):

In 1997, idNames.com sold “business.com” for $150,000 … That same domain recently sold for $7.5 million. Here are some of the more notable domain-name sales:

|  Rnk | Domain              | Sale Price |
|   1. | Business.com        |   $7.5M    |
|   2. | AltaVista.com       |    3.3     |
|   3. | Loans.com           |    3.0     |
|   4. | Autos.com           |    2.2     |
|   5. | Express.com         |    2.0     |
|   6. | Fly.com             |    1.5     |
|   7. | Bingo.com           |    1.1     |
|   8. | WallStreet.com      |    1.0     |
|   9. | ForSalebyOwner.com  |    0.8     |
|  10. | Drugs.com           |    0.8     |